In Italian cuisine, corn flour is used in polenta recipes. An unquestionable speciality of northern Italy, the so-called traditional polenta differs from the instant version by its exceptional taste, aromas and consistency.
Distinctive Features Yellow corn flour qualities are conferred by the milling method used. Stone grinding is the oldest and still the best method for producing flours and semolina. It preserves the nutrients contained in the germ and bran of the cereal, which gives the product a superior nutritional quality. Thanks to this method, the semolina is very tasty, rich and easy to digest.
Origin Lucedio Abbey, Trino, Piedmont, Italy.
The Artisans Behind the Product Lucedio Abbey was founded in 1123 by Cistercian monks from Burgundy who reclaimed the territory and were the first to introduce rice culture in Italy in the 15th century. With nearly 900 years of history, the Principato di Lucedio farm extends over an area of more than 500 hectares in the heart of a regional park. Uses Any polenta recipe. There are many variations and interpretations of this preparation. Yellow corn flour can also be found as a basic ingredient in other traditional dishes from different parts of the world: the American cornbread, the Brazilian bolo de fuba or the Mexican tortilla.